November's/December's theme:"We diverge and I collapse into my bed/And you are shoved awkwardly into my head" A Separate Lid Behind Closed Eyes

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Jason recommends the album, American Weekend by Waxahatchee

Extra doses and double shots - December 13, 2021
Half a life ago - December 12, 2021
Buggy - November 27, 2021
When We Two Parted - November 25, 2021
Catfish - November 22, 2021

October 12, 2001 // 7:12 p.m. // Legal stealing. Grrr!


Today I was so frustrated. The people of Ogden apparently think it's a great idea to work on the roads leading into and away from the city at peak hours during ther day. More than once, the traffic has been reduced to one lane heading to school when the traffic is already a mess.

Today was just as bad.

Driving home from campus, I encounter terrible traffic on a regular basis, especially since I get out of school at noon, perhaps the most busy time to leave. But today, I experienced one of the worst traffic jams I've ever been in. At least the most boring.

From 12:10 to 12:55, I travled about six blocks. The entire time I kept looking to my right to see what construction was important enough to close one lane of traffic (when only two lanes are available on each side)during a peak time in the day. When I got to the bottom of the hill, all I saw was a city truck driving in the blocked off lane collecting the cones, barrels and skinny construction sticks that lined the road.

So in other words, nothing.

Not a thing. I waited for 45 minutes for nothing as far as I know.

And that's probably the toughest part of construction. The waiting. The procrastination. The way they predict a finish to their work in November but they don't start high-tailing the work until September.

While driving home, I saw the same thing twice more. A mile or more in both places blocked off with no construction going on.

It's even worse in my neighborhood. They're putting in speed bumps on our street and others around us, plus they are repaving the streets in the neighborhood, the roads that lead into ours, and the main inlet to our street only months after completing it.

So frustrated. The long wait made me miss lunch with G and B. We did however manage to take the heavily constructed State Street (why he didn't/doesn't take the freeway I don't know) out to a different Sears than the one he was scheduled to work at an hour later. It was here where he returned his speakers, and may have managed to get someone fired.

Here's how it happened. Listen closely. He returned two pairs of speakers priced at $49.99 a pair. He wanted to upgrade to two pairs priced at $79.99 a pair, meaning he'd have to pay the difference out of his pocket, a total of $60.00.

Are you following?

The guy rang up his returned speakers at $79.99 per pair (instead of $49.99) thus cancelling out any additional money he would have to pay out of his pocket. This means instead of paying $60.00, he paid nothing.

But there's more.

The guy accidently rang up three pairs of speakers instead of two. This means he received credit for $240.00 ($79.99 x3) in merchandise, but he only spent $160.00. ($79.99 x 2) The salesperson even gave him a gift card for $80.00 to make up for the difference.

How stupid. So he ends up with replacement upgraded speakers and a gift card when he should have owed $60.00. And here he is on the lucky streak of a lifetime and he's paranoid about getting a parking ticket.

I'm heading to the football game. My sister is there representing her school, and I'm there representing my alma matter against our biggest rival, West.

P.S. This Ellen show is pretty funny.

Random Jewel lyric:

"The clock became a bullet hole

Cruel and unkind

It hurt me with its second hand

Alone another night

Stranger, enter from the East

Stranger, step inside this place"

-Enter From The East

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