November's/December's theme:"We diverge and I collapse into my bed/And you are shoved awkwardly into my head" A Separate Lid Behind Closed Eyes

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Jason recommends the album, American Weekend by Waxahatchee

Extra doses and double shots - December 13, 2021
Half a life ago - December 12, 2021
Buggy - November 27, 2021
When We Two Parted - November 25, 2021
Catfish - November 22, 2021

October 13, 2001 // 8:45 p.m. // When 15 yr olds go wrong (and more Veater hating)

So my sister isn't going to homecoming. And if you ask her, there's a perfectly good reason why.

If you ask my mom, she's got some 'splanin' to do.

She bought a $120.00 pair of Doc Martens and a $100.00 dress. She says she's been saving money, but it would take a lot of saving. She makes less than $200.00 a month, and she's require to save half of that already.

So what does she do? She steals $20 from me, possibly some from dad, and an unknown amount from mom.

So she's in deep doo-doo. That is why Tre and her are sitting in the living room right now instead of at the dance. I can hear her sniffling, so I know she's probably been crying. She keeps thinking she can cry her way out of things. She's a tough girl (she'd have to be. I beat up on her all the time as a kid) but she's also sensitive, and it doesn't take much to make her cry.

What have I been doing all day? Helping G install his speakers and drooling over pictures of post 1992 BMW 325i cars. If I were making an adult salary, weren't in college, and could rationalize spending 10K on a car, I'd buy one in a second. Instead I'm stuck whimpering as we drive by the BMW dealerships down south.

As Veater would say, *subject change.*

It's come to my attention that there is a small chance Veater (Vee-EIGHT-urr remember) has a crush on me for whatever reason. Shay (who I've yet to speak to for the same reasons I never spoke to Veater has yet to confirm or deny these rumors.

Now Veater's voice is annoying. I know there is someone famous I can compare it to, but I can't think of who at the moment. She has the tendency to always be a follower, and not in the traditional sense of the word, but like a lemming following the rest. Like I said, I sense crush, but I hope word doesn't get back to B, because he'll try to hook me up as a favor to Shay.

These are things I'd rather do than date Veater.

* Drink motor oil-after it's been in the car.

* See Bea Arthur naked.

* Gouge my eyes out with rusty forks one at a time, verrrry sloooowly.

* Listen to Enya at high volumes.

* Listen to Veater at high volumes.

* Stare directly into the sun.

* Have stock in the Ford company.

* Have stock in Firestone.

* Wear fur to a PETA rally.

I'm sure this will suffice until I come up with equally creative things I'd rather do than date Veater.


No Jewel lyric lyric fits the Veater situation like I would like and I'm not in the mood to flip through her book of poetry (or to get up period) to find a more apropos quote. So you're stuck with this one.

Random Jewel lyric:

"You say she's unattractive

she doesn't turn you on

But that expression on your face ain't exactly a yawn"

-A Very Big Girl

Editor's note: They just left to dinner and homecoming.

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