November's/December's theme:"We diverge and I collapse into my bed/And you are shoved awkwardly into my head" A Separate Lid Behind Closed Eyes

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Jason recommends the album, American Weekend by Waxahatchee

Extra doses and double shots - December 13, 2021
Half a life ago - December 12, 2021
Buggy - November 27, 2021
When We Two Parted - November 25, 2021
Catfish - November 22, 2021

April 04, 2003 // 8:20 p.m. // Two years already? (Ramble, ramble, ramble)

I had hoped to do something special with the page now that it's two years old, but alas between trying to figure out how to burn a CD via Windows XP, a bit of unexpected work and losing track of time on the internet, I totally spaced it out. It was my main goal for today, but I got extremely sidetracked.

I just realized I couldn't do those things with the page anyway. I'm on the wrong computer. Silly me. Maybe tomorrow.

Oh, and I'm in such a rambling mood too. So here's your warning.

I'm kinda sorta beginning to crush again after a 4 1/2 month hiatus, and I don't know how to feel about that. Should I keep supressing the crush? Should I enjoy the fun of having a crush? I sure know how to make a simple thing quite complex.

Kaleena was a few minutes late today and had apparently forgot her glasses. As a result, she could not read the board and ended up copying the notes from me as I was writing them. I had to keep moving my hand out of the way so that she could read what I was writing and on top of that, I had to attempt to write legibly because I knew she would be reading. We spent all class period making jokes that could only come from two people functioning on less than eight hours of sleep combined.

For example:

Teacher: "You combine vinegar and (salt?) to make what?"

Kaleena: "Yuk!"

Teacher: "No, not yuk! Sauerkraut."

Me (to Kaleena): "Like you said, yuk." (uncontrollable but silent laughter from both of us)

See what I mean? Looking at this eleven hours later it's not at all funny, but that and a joke about the prostate and hot dogs on a stick had us laughing for a good deal of the class period. And it wasn't like we could hide either. The botany room is stadium seating.

I don't even want to tell the story about billiards class this week. At least not yet at least. Lets just say I think that the tournament is rigged. Yeah. I'll go with that for now.

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