November's/December's theme:"We diverge and I collapse into my bed/And you are shoved awkwardly into my head" A Separate Lid Behind Closed Eyes

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Jason recommends the album, American Weekend by Waxahatchee

Extra doses and double shots - December 13, 2021
Half a life ago - December 12, 2021
Buggy - November 27, 2021
When We Two Parted - November 25, 2021
Catfish - November 22, 2021

May 29, 2004 // 11:04 p.m. // I got 99 problems and this shirt is one

Forgotten shirt for today.

I found one more t-shirt. Well, it's more of a tank top. I bought it back when that whole low-carb obsession first started up. I don't really understand why there's an arrow on it, though. Must have been a mistake in printing. Heh, maybe it'll be worth something, someday.

Honestly, I never even wore that shirt once until last night. To make sure I didn't look silly in it, I tried to make sure I was always holding a bag of pork rinds under the arrow. Unfortunately, people kept mooching the pork rinds and I'd end up with nothing to keep my shirt from looking ridiculous. But the odd thing about it is that even after the pork rinds were gone, people (mostly just girls) were still asking me if they could have some. So I just told them "I don't have any left." And they got the biggest kick out of that. Weird. I ended up making a bunch of really cool friends last night, but still... I'm never wearing that shirt again.

I have a bit of a crush on one of the girls I met there. I don't normally get crushes, but she was really cute. I'll call her O.I.E.N.L.S.K.D.I.H.N.T.E.L. here, so she doesn't find out I like her. I don't like to let girls know I like them. It just isn't my style.

What is your style, Jason?

Um... let's see. If I could sum it up in four words, those words would be: Beating around the bush. And it really worked last night, that's for sure. Anyways, let me tell you about O.I.E.N.L.S.K.D.I.H.N.T.E.L. She's adorable in every way. I think she plays in a band, too. We didn't talk too much, but we're going out next weekend. It sounds like it's going to be a blast. She suggested that we go see a movie, and afterwards she said she'd give me something "low in carbs." Whatever. I think I'm looking forward more to the movie. I didn't get a chance to see "Super Size Me" yet. Good thing she wants to see that one, too. At least I think that's what she said. She kept wiggling her eyebrows. It was distracting.

Much thanks to Azazel for providing the above guest entry. With it she added, "I didn't know what exactly you meant by guest entry. I interpreted it as "post an entry as Jason and mock him as much as possible". :) I doubt that you'll be offended by anything. It's just silly. Maybe a little too silly. I don't know. You can be the judge of that." This gave me a much needed laugh. It sounds so very me in parts, it's scary. She has me and my writing style down.

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