May's theme:"We're old enough by now to take care of each other"
A Separate Lid Behind Closed Eyes

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Jason recommends the album, Wreck Of The Day by Anna Nalick

Welcome back?? - April 04, 2012
- - August 20, 2009
Dog Bites Man (Once Bitten, Twice Shy) - December 31, 2006
Randomness - July 20, 2005
Portland and Seattle - June 30, 2005

February 25, 2003 // 8:03 a.m. // Catching up

Note: I've already lost this entry twice by accidently hitting the back button when trying to click something else.

My last few days: Spent Friday bowling with the weekend crew + 5. Went to dinner with some of them afterward and found out when the recently engaged couple are getting married. 7 1/2 months is far different than the, "don't worry. It won't be for another year or two" that we heard two weeks ago. I guess once the ball and the excitement start rolling, it can be hard to stop.

Saturday was spent first with G & B, then at Britt's to play board games, and finally back at G's just after one a.m. to eat dinner and to watch far too many episodes of the Sunday Night Sex Show.

At Britt's, we played Cranium, which has become my new favorite board game. The two highlights came when Martha's boyfriend (?) spent the entire minute we had to answer a question what the word 'inferior' meant to Dan. Dan thinks I'm some kind of a super genius because I knew how to spell 'typhoon' forward and 'anecdote' and some other word backward.

The other highlight came when Britt and Martha's boy were performing paparazzi in the form of charades. Britt began performing photography for the girls team, and Martha's boy began performing an opera singer for the boys team. Confused at our answers as opposed to theirs, he grabbed Britt, took her into the hallway in the middle of the round, and the two returned to the room laughing. Turns out he thought the word he was supposed to perform was 'Pavarotti' as in the singer.

I also found out that another pair of people I know are married and another person is engaged. That makes three of each. I actually wish the newest engaged girl the best of luck. I'm actually quite surprised not only by her engagement, but that her step-sister didn't tell me when I saw her on Thursday. She'll get the Temple marriage that means so much to her by marrying him. We could discuss the dysfunction of their relationship, but that could take days. And besides, I don't want to think of how someone like her can hook someone by being deceptive and I can't even hook anyone by being honest.

No taking chances. I'm not hitting the back button. I'm content that my spelling of Pavarotti and paparazzi are correct.

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