November's/December's theme:"We diverge and I collapse into my bed/And you are shoved awkwardly into my head" A Separate Lid Behind Closed Eyes

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Jason recommends the album, American Weekend by Waxahatchee

Extra doses and double shots - December 13, 2021
Half a life ago - December 12, 2021
Buggy - November 27, 2021
When We Two Parted - November 25, 2021
Catfish - November 22, 2021

March 09, 2003 // 5:39 p.m. // A cheap way out

Sometimes it's just easier this way...

  • I spent more than eight hours of my weekend at high school state championship basketball games. The temptation is always there when the games are being played on your campus less than 100 feet from your car. In fact, the stamps from the two days can vaguely be seen on my right hand.

  • I woke up far earlier than I should have (4:30 a.m.) to take someone to the hospital on Friday morning. More surprising, I didn't take a nap due to the above.

  • This weekend was extremely warm, and despite drought conditions, I'm hoping we've seen the last of snow for at least seven months. I really should have taken advantage of the temperature, rather than hanging around inside snapping pictures.

  • Speaking of pictures, I took at least nine (perhaps ten) rolls of pictures on Friday and Saturday. I'm slowly learning how to use my new camera.

  • I really should call Britt and Chantilli. I wonder how she's doing. And Britt and I talked recently, but I just want to hang out with her again soon. Perhaps I should call her today while I'm thinking about it and while it's still a weekend.

  • My sister and mom (and perhaps my sister's boyfriend) are in Vegas this weekend. There's a bit of mini drama behind this story and not because it left the men of the house at home for two solid days. It was a total surprise. "My mom went to Vegas" just sounds like something other people's parents would do, not mine. They left early Saturday morning, and are due to arrive home tonight. 5:40 edit: They just walked in the door. I'm so ignoring them and they are so trying to get my attention. It's a never ending cycle.

  • In a related note, I've never even been to Nevada, let alone California. There's some desire to see Vegas for me, but on my terms. (which will probably mean when I have a decent car, which probably won't be until the summer of 2007.) I like going on trips where I can plan and do and see what I want.

  • And on yet another related note, spring break plans for next week have fallen through. Hotel costs would have been more than the flight, and financing a spring break trip alone is just too expensive. Plus, I don't seem to be welcome at any of the places I want to go.

  • I left a $5 tip on a $4.28 dinner last night. Unfortunately, my brain was quite slow at 1:30 this morning, and it didn't occur to me until the drive home to take the $4 that were sitting on the table from the other people and replace them with my $5.

  • I have a very simple very minor and very easy family tree project that is due on Friday. Very easy. In fact, it's only worth five points and it's extra credit. It's a family tree represented by circles and triangles and isn't designed to take more than five minutes according to the teacher. We only have to go back two generations. My classmates managed to make my head hurt by asking questions like, "How do we include cousins?" and, "What if we have polygymy in our family tree?"

  • The Simpsons is on. The first of four today. It's the one where Homer begins smoking pot to deal with the pain of being attacked by a murder of crows. If only you could hear how excited this makes me. I really should get back to the show even though it's from last season and I remember it well.