May's theme:If you want to/I can save you" I can take you away from here A Separate Lid Behind Closed Eyes

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Jason recommends the album, The Spirit Room by Michelle Branch

Happy 22nd. Nostalgia ensues. - April 04, 2023
Not a total loss. - December 17, 2022
Creatively Maneuvering Dates - May 10, 2022
This diary is old enough to imbibe! - April 04, 2022
62 days of exposition. - April 02, 2022

December 17, 2022 // 9:02 p.m. // Not a total loss.

I've got to look at the progress I made in the first half of 2022 toward many of my goals and not the way they all fell apart (a few against my will and out of my control) in the last half of the year.

2022 was a year of personal growth. I tackled a new job. I told a woman I liked her. I was flirty, set up a booth at the trade show I visited for the last two years.

I reached out to an old friend, and reestablished a friendship with another. I got back into writing. I learned an instrument and wrote a few songs.

This is the progress I need to look at when I have doubts. Because this year wasn't what has happened from this summer on, it's also about how it began.

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