May's theme:"We're old enough by now to take care of each other"
A Separate Lid Behind Closed Eyes

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Jason recommends the album, Wreck Of The Day by Anna Nalick

Welcome back?? - April 04, 2012
- - August 20, 2009
Dog Bites Man (Once Bitten, Twice Shy) - December 31, 2006
Randomness - July 20, 2005
Portland and Seattle - June 30, 2005

July 08, 2002 // 7:57 a.m. // Return of The Oddities (Oh, What A Night! 2)

Zombie is perhaps the best word to describe me right now, as I am coming off a 3:20 a.m. walk in the door. I didn't get to bed until four. I should really go back to sleep.

But this lack of sleep? Well worth it. Yesterday was quite fun.

For starters, I got a call from G at noon. He's home. Two weeks early. Apparently, he got sick, and is just trying to settle in. In fact, he arrived on July 5th, but due to flights, being sick and pure exhaustion, decided to lay off of calling us all for a few days.

This is nothing but good news, because he's the weekend crew organizer. He calls everyone to get things straight. Without him, there is no weekend crew, which is why I haven't seen a single one of them since May 17th. It's nice to know where the rest of my weekends after about 9:30 p.m. will be spent for the rest of the summer.

And I missed tons of stuff. We all missed tons of stuff. G had no clue who Elizabeth Smart was. He missed the entire case. He also missed the wildfires that consumed much of the news.

It's amazing what can go down in six weeks. Our crew is nothing like it was in the middle of May. It's changing daily. And in six weeks, a lot can happen. For example:

  • Jesse wants to get married. The only problem being he has no girl to agree to this.

  • Woody is in Las Vegas. I can remember sitting next to the return missionary for the first time last August. Now, he's getting drunk every weekend and fighting with his parents. Not to mention, he and Jesse, once good friends are involved in serious battles.

  • Brian turned into quite the little club rat/womanizer. And the reason for the breakup with his last girl that was oh so cool? He wanted to be exclusive and she didn't. Not expected.

  • Something bad happened to long time crush Randi. Really bad. Something I don't even want to repeat out loud because it's that uncomfortable to say and almost as bad to think. I can't even say it.

I don't even know where to begin with the camping trip that led to a first time underage drinker receiving a ticket that led to a $480 fine and a night in jail. If that doesn't scare you into not drinking, I don't know what will. Maybe for another time. But it was an epic story, and perhaps the only one that could top my mini six week drama where, again, I wouldn't know where to begin.

After hours in the parking lot we always hang in, we drove to a local park and sat on the playground equipment to just talk. It's these moments that I love. No fighting, just a lot of sincerity.

I told them how I talked to Polo (and even when I used her real name, they were quick to respond with, 'Polo?') and how I called her. To say they were surprised would be an understatement. They never expected me to call her without being coaxed by them. But for some reason, she puts me at ease. When we went to junior prom together, we didn't have the awkward silences that is the rule rather than the exception of all first dates. We clicked. And for some reason, my confidence shoots up in her presence.

And we discussed T.E.N.T.

We talked all about how she destroyed me and how she knew more than she was letting on. I cannot stress enough how well she hid exactly how she felt as well as how well she was able to manipulate everyone in her life.

And I never get into how she destroyed me, because to most, the reasons will appear to be superficial. But I will tell you it was my confidence and my ability to feel wanted that were crushed because of her.

I've had a conversation about her with two people. I told both the exact same thing, nearly word for word. Both told me that I need to resolve this with her once and for all so I can put this chapter behind me. I don't know if it will help, but it doesn't hurt to try. The advce was the same. That I need to let go. That I need to move on. But these are things I already know, and have known for three years.

I can't expect a thing. But for those of us who know her, know that I will get nowhere with her. And I'll have to go back on the letter I wrote her.

Quite the night, I say. We even worked in a 10 minute session of quoting Can't Hardly Wait, which is the closest movie to describing my crush situations from high school. I truly enjoy that movie, and no one else does other than B and I.

We're supposed to hang out again today, and aside from hanging out at the union building, I have nothing. A State of the Oddities (or at least a day of talking openly like yesterday) could seriously do us good.

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