May's theme:"We're old enough by now to take care of each other"
A Separate Lid Behind Closed Eyes

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Jason recommends the album, Wreck Of The Day by Anna Nalick

Welcome back?? - April 04, 2012
- - August 20, 2009
Dog Bites Man (Once Bitten, Twice Shy) - December 31, 2006
Randomness - July 20, 2005
Portland and Seattle - June 30, 2005

March 28, 2002 // 3:04 p.m. // Monopoly and Sociology Crush

Yesterday was Monopoly day in Sociology 1010, meaning all we had to do was show up and we'd get credit. There was a new spin on this game, however. Due to our discussions on the class system, this game would be played with whole new rules.

1. The upper class player would begin with $2,000. Middle: $1,500 Working: 1,000 and lower $500.

2. Despite how much money they had, the lower class player could only buy purple and light blue properties (the cheapest) the working class could buy those below them and maroon and orange properties, the middle class could buy those below them and utilities, railroads, red and yellow properties, and finally, the upper class could buy the whole board.

3. When you pass go, lower class receives $100, working class $150, middle class $200 and upper class $250.

4. If you have to go to jail: the lower class has to stay there until they roll doubles. The working class can pay $50 and get out on their next turn. The middle class can pay $50 on their next turn or be released immediately by rolling higher than seven on the spot. The upper class could avoid jail by...well it's complicated. I'll just include a scan of the assignment, complete with my chicken scratches.

In a very related story, I found out the name of my crush in sociology class, but since it's the same as another name I use here, I'll have to create an alias. I may just continue to use "Sociology Crush."

When trying to secure more Monopoly boards, Sociology Crush said she had one, and signed up to bring one. As I walked into the room, I saw the desks arranged in groups of four, and I sat approx. where we'd be in the same group. After ten minutes had elapsed, only half of the people who said they were bringing boards in had brought them, and included in that group was Sociology Crush. This meant the remaining students (the three or four of us waiting on Sociology Crush and about ten others) had to double up on the game, meaning eight would be playing, or four teams of two. I joined a group of seven girls in which three of the teams knew each other and were friends. I didn't know the girl I was working with.

Just after we began our game, a girl walked by that I didn't recognize. Minutes later I heard a laugh, turned around and the girl was Sociology Crush. She had arrived late, and had I held out even one minute longer, I could have been playing Monopoly with her. Instead, I was left scoffing at the kid from India, another boy and a girl who left our group to play there. To think, when the teacher asked if anyone was willing to leave their group to play at the new Monopoly board, little did I know it'd be Sociology Crush.

And she looked different. Her hair was curled, her clothes were a little more stylish, and she wore the lace pants that I think look so good on her. And the thing is I never like curled or permed hair. Ever! But I'm running out of time to even chat with her, as there is just a little more than a month of school left.

As a side note, I'm sure no one here watches pro wrestling (neither do I) but if you do, or watched it Monday on TNN, you'd get a good idea of what Sociology Crush looks like without her glasses. There is a wrestler/valet named Stephanie McMahon who looks like her and has hair exactly like her. I'm just hoping I'm not living one crush through another. I found pictures to illustrate what I mean.

I still haven't begun my history report, or studied for my sociology test tomorrow, or turned in my CD-Rom assignment, or worked on my sociology article reviews. With the exception of the paper, everything is easy. Maybe an average of 30 minutes on each.


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