May's theme:"We're old enough by now to take care of each other"
A Separate Lid Behind Closed Eyes

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Jason recommends the album, Wreck Of The Day by Anna Nalick

Welcome back?? - April 04, 2012
- - August 20, 2009
Dog Bites Man (Once Bitten, Twice Shy) - December 31, 2006
Randomness - July 20, 2005
Portland and Seattle - June 30, 2005

March 29, 2002 // 5:09 p.m. // Catching Up

I'm rarely around drunk people. For that matter, I'm rarely even around intoxicated people or people under the influence.

Because of TV, I always have a stereotype of people unaware of their surroundings, acting funnier than normal and slurring their speech. My friends are none of these things while drinking.

Two weekends ago on Saturday, G, B and I went to a party at Woody's. The "party" as they called it was just lots of alcohol for drinks, a pizza, chips and Girl Scout cookies for food, a Now! That's What I Call Music CD for entertainment and no one behaving in the stereotypical drunk way to make the party more fun.

Of the people there, only Woody and another kid I can't remember the name of seemed to drink enough to be "different." Jesse had quite a bit, but acted totally normal. Brian also had about a full bottle and his eyes left his face noticeably more relaxed. But he wasn't crazy. Fully aware.

Also at the party were Brian's girlfriend (who is really cool, the type of girl I'd be friends with), Caesar, and Jesse's on again off again girlfriend (and former crush) Tweety, with guest appearances by three boys coming straight from a party and Sig, a boy who swears he knows me from some U of U parties.

To be honest, I was a little bored. I was just watching these people acting relaxed instead of wild. When I think of drunk people, I keep coming back to that episode of Saved By The Bell where the group is at a toga party (and drinking) and Zach tells Lisa that he's not too drunk to drive and then crashes her mom's car while rocking out to "Wild Thing." That's how drunk people are supposed to act.

Switching gears to last Friday, we went to eat, then up to bowl/play pool/play air hockey. I recognized three of my sister's friends from school also playing pool. As it turns out, they had gone without her and excluded her. I can see where they're coming from however. She has a boyfriend, and commonly put him before her friends which isn't right. When I told her that I had seen them up, she got quite upset that this group she hangs out with every day would simply not even invite her to go.

After this, the three of us took our cars to Dee's (restaurant) and ate. As always, we struggled with the total, with people claiming their portion of the tip was in the money handed to Woody (who always collects money from us and officially pays for the group). The poor guy. He commonly has to pay more than he should due to people not handing him a sufficient amount for a tip and tax. If the bill is $47.00, $44.00 will be given to Woody, with no one supplying tax or a tip. You don't know how many times I've paid the group tip, or felt bad about a table of seven leaving less than $3.00 (6-9%) tip.

When leaving, we ran into another kid who the rest of the group knows (and who I met twice this summer) but he was just going to dinner with his long-time girlfriend and couldn't join us.

While at a grocery store, we also ran into Eureka, who B, G and Jesse were friends with in junior high.

After this, we went egging. I don't know how it happened, but we began throwing eggs back and forth between Jesse and Woody's car. I believe the main reason was B and G were sitting in the open air in the back of Woody's car/truck and were easy targets to hit. By the time we called it a night, both cars were covered in egg, and we headed to a car wash to take care of it.

We decided that come the near future, we'd come up with a game where each car had two people and we'd play a paintball type game where we'd try to nail each other's cars with something that would leave a mark. We came up with some kind of a dye, but trial and error will lead us to what we'll actually use come May or June. It'll be fun if we actually do it.

We even got stopped by cops after plotting to egg a house high in the mountains.

The easiest way to make my day is for a girl that I find attractive to sit by me on the shuttle bus. That happened Wednesday, and it happened that she was the most attractive girl on the bus. Quite short though. Barely five feet if that. It was a nice change of pace from the adults and kids playing Gameboy that usually sit by me.

Still crushing on Sociology Crush. She even looked at me (making me stumble) while I was sharing my experiences on Wednesday's Monopoly game. I'm such a sucker for her. It's nice to be crushing again.


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