May's theme:"We're old enough by now to take care of each other"
A Separate Lid Behind Closed Eyes

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Jason recommends the album, Wreck Of The Day by Anna Nalick

Welcome back?? - April 04, 2012
- - August 20, 2009
Dog Bites Man (Once Bitten, Twice Shy) - December 31, 2006
Randomness - July 20, 2005
Portland and Seattle - June 30, 2005

April 09, 2002 // 2:28 p.m. // Day in review

I'll give you my recap of yesterday: (And watch as I magically switch from first to second person speech multiple times. Too much of reading Lorrie Moore.)

5:20 Wake up, deliver newspapers by hand, and I do mean literally by hand. I had 50+ light Monday papers cradled in my arms. Walked 2.5 miles.

7:00 Jump in the Wrangler so dad can drop me off at the bus stop. Wait for 20 minutes or so for the bus. Forget the fare has been raised and struggle to find the extra quarter.

8:55 Exit the bus at school about one hour and 20 minutes after boarding. Listen to three people discuss the LDS religion and pinpoint exactly what is wrong with it during a point in their conversation. (More on this later)

9:00 Video in Sociology 1010. Yay! The topic (in a roundabout way) is social classes, but it was really more a video about people on farms.

10:00 Video in Sociology 1020. Yay! This video was also about social classes. It's a subject that absolutely fascinates me now. What makes us socially different by race, age, gender and class.

10:35 My cell phone drops out of my pocket. I look left, right and see nothing. I then forget about it.

11:50 Go back to sociology (twice) to look for missing phone. Ask teacher, ask lost and found with no results.

12:00 Leave school, and instead of walking to the bus stop, begin walking south toward the elementary school I volunteer at. The distance: 33 city blocks. Arrive right at 1:15, or just in time.

2:15 Leave the school, buy a Coke and head back toward the school or a payphone to find my phone. Walk another 10 blocks before stopping at the bus stop (for a different bus) that'll take you home. Board the bus at 2:55.

3:55 For the first time in an hour, realize where you are. When you realize it, roll your eyes. You are only a twenty minute drive from Ogden, but you've been on the bus for an hour. And you're only half way home.

4:45 Exit the bus downtown nearly two hours after getting on. Begin walking down second south to catch your bus.

4:47 Just miss your bus.

4:47:30 Keep walking. After all, you've already walked 5 1/2 blocks. Search for rocks to kick and make up an amusing on the spot game: See how many times you can kick a rock without it leaving the sidewalk. Do this all the way home. All 29 blocks.

6:00ish. See a bus that'll get you home-one block from your house. At the same time, the family pulls up, and they know where your cell phone is and who found it.

Keisha from sociology. My sister tells me the story of calling me, getting her and wondering. She finds out an address and the family heads on the 70 mile round trip to Ogden just to get my phone.

Your sister goes on about how ditsy and blonde (no offense) she sounded. How she struggled with where she works and the address of the business, as well as her own name. Expect your sister to go into her ditsy cheerleader voice.

6:50 Pick up the phone, and see the girl who found it. You don't recognize her. Head home, hungry.

Watch Road Rules, then pump up the tires on someone's bike, and head out on the 24 block round trip ride to KFC. A different than usual person helps you but she still knows your order. She even asks you if you want the usual or if you want to try someting different. You're so predictable.

Wednesday I'll repeat that whole pattern through 6:00.

Today I rode down to the McDonalds for a drink and burgers. I had planned to go to Media Play, Walmart and Circuit City, but the items I want are too big to carry on a bus, let alone a bike. I'll just have to wait until the weekend to buy these items, I guess. There is of course one good thing about having no car. I don't have to pick my sister up from school.


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