May's theme:"We're old enough by now to take care of each other"
A Separate Lid Behind Closed Eyes

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Jason recommends the album, Wreck Of The Day by Anna Nalick

Welcome back?? - April 04, 2012
- - August 20, 2009
Dog Bites Man (Once Bitten, Twice Shy) - December 31, 2006
Randomness - July 20, 2005
Portland and Seattle - June 30, 2005

June 07, 2002 // 7:25 a.m. // Decisions, decisions

I'm heading out to Airwaves because I need a fix. I need that environment. I need to eat off of the eclectic tables and the chairs that are too high even for me. I need a vanilla smoothie, a large one. And I need to let sitting there inspire me to write something new.

I need to get away from the news. On television, in the house, and various phrases running through my head that I heard last night.

I'm taking my journal. And I'm writing for as long as it takes. To clear my head. I need a stress free day. One where I can reflect on about a dozen crushes, and ultimately make some kind of decision as to what to do.

I'm considering all options. From Polo to Pea Soup. From Tweety to one of the girls who is currently crushing on me.

It's Friday. It's D-Day.

Stress has been the name of the game. And for once, I'm doing what is right for me. So I'm going to enjoy a smoothie, write in the journal, and let the thoughts come to me for once.

Yeah, I do think too much. But if I were impulsive, I think I'd be far worse off, right?


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