May's theme:"We're old enough by now to take care of each other"
A Separate Lid Behind Closed Eyes

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Jason recommends the album, Wreck Of The Day by Anna Nalick

Welcome back?? - April 04, 2012
- - August 20, 2009
Dog Bites Man (Once Bitten, Twice Shy) - December 31, 2006
Randomness - July 20, 2005
Portland and Seattle - June 30, 2005

May 18, 2002 // 7:54 p.m. // Desperately Wanting

I so need to move this computer into my room. I'll make room for it. I'll make room for it, the huge speakers still in the box in the living room purchased because they were a good deal, the DVD player, and the new stereo I plan on buying.

My dad is watching the post game of the Lakers/Kings game. He has to tilt his heads to the right just so he can see around the TV. Having a computer isn't a great idea. What makes it worse, is he wakes up just as I start using the computer. I'm two minutes into an entry, and he wakes up.

Oh yeah. And it's 88 degrees (with the fan going above me) in the house right now. It's only 86 outside. Want proof? Here you go:

And in a related note, have I ever mentioned how crowded a 8 foot by 8 foot room is with four people, two computers, a settee, two bookshelves, a desk, and 100 or so newspapers is?

The only reason I'm in here at all is because I'm waiting for an email or a call or an instant message. Or all three. Or just one. Only I know for sure I guess.

I received three sweet letters from one of my friends, which hopefully will tide me over until I receive letter number four in three or four days. I'm insanely curious as to what it's about. I knew the subject of the other three (after coaxing the info out of her. I'm good at that) but the contents of this letter won't likely be revealed to me.

I have so many questions running through my head that are unanswered, and will likely remain unanswered if she has anything to do with it. But at least I have three notes/letters from her sitting on my desk that made me smile when I read each of them at 12:30 this afternoon.

Oh yeah. One more thing. That jumping to conclusions and assumptions thing that leads to a flood of emails asking who I'm talking about? Not going to happen this time. And I really shouldn't have to do this about every crush that I happen to not mention the name of. Usually, it's because I have no alias yet. This is the case with her. I'll just say she's not a person I mention on a regular basis (just six times to be exact). Sometimes, you have to be selfish about your biggest crushes.


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