May's theme:"We're old enough by now to take care of each other"
A Separate Lid Behind Closed Eyes

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Jason recommends the album, Wreck Of The Day by Anna Nalick

Welcome back?? - April 04, 2012
- - August 20, 2009
Dog Bites Man (Once Bitten, Twice Shy) - December 31, 2006
Randomness - July 20, 2005
Portland and Seattle - June 30, 2005

June 06, 2002 // 7:08 a.m. // Mom

First of all, if you have any extra time, you may want to endulge in one of the new features Andrew gave us just as we were about to cancel our memberships. I created a fun little quiz, which can be found here.

The conversation: It goes like this:

"Bye, Jason!"


"Am I talking to no one? Are you here?"

"I'm here."

"Are you here?"

"I'm here!"

(walks into the too small of a room with hands on hips) "You aren't going to answer me?"

"I answered you four times!"

"You don't need to give me attitude!"

But I heard her. Just like yesterday. The same thing happened yesterday. But she shouldn't come down on me because she's not losing weight, losing her hair, losing her hearing and is having problems at work. Actually, the problems at work I can understand. She just got her last paycheck of the school year, and since it's a nine month job, it has to last us through the summer.

Look at me. I'm making it sound like we live in an old warehouse and were scrounging for food.

She comes back in five minutes later:

"Take out the garbage, Jason."


"And dad wants to know how your car got in an accident." (or something like that)

"I was parking and hit the Wrangler--"

"Oh no."

"...and I hit that metal thing on the back of the Jeep. There's only about 18 inches of room to parallel park."

In backing out, I hit the Pontiac at least five times because there is no room to come within inches. And I could get a lecture about hitting the Wrangler when what does he do everytime he parks? He backs up and backs up until he feels the Wrangler hit my Taurus. I guess that's the whole blind in one eye and quickly losing vision in the other.

All I know is once my sister and I move out, and my dad is no longer able to drive, she'll regret that whole not learning how to drive thing.

Either way, I need to buy a right signal light for the Taurus. But that won't happen again. I parked the Pontiac in the center for easier parking access.

And my sister? Ms. High Maintenance speaks again. Most of my morning and afternoon will be tied up because of her. (rolls his eyes)


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