May's theme:"We're old enough by now to take care of each other"
A Separate Lid Behind Closed Eyes

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Jason recommends the album, Wreck Of The Day by Anna Nalick

Welcome back?? - April 04, 2012
- - August 20, 2009
Dog Bites Man (Once Bitten, Twice Shy) - December 31, 2006
Randomness - July 20, 2005
Portland and Seattle - June 30, 2005

April 30, 2002 // 7:39 a.m. // A Prelude

I have a lot of anger to work through. The parties involved know who they are, and they know the reasons. At some point, I will publically address this. I'm still a mess. A real mess. I guess I've just realized an important point here at d-land. If I "strike first" I'm the evil one. I guess I need to pick my spots. Since when does giving your honest opinion lead to a backlash, the likes of which I've never seen.

If I've hurt you, I didn't mean to. I hate hurting people. If you know me personally and not on an internet level, you (hopefully) know this by now. But right now, I hate being hurt. Which means that even though I know it's stupid because I'll get bitched at and the people I talk about will be heralded in high regard as "victims", I'll be posting entries that will hurt, and will shock. I advise you not to read them if sensitive to said issues.

If you'd rather email me, or IM me about what's going on, go ahead. Both ways can be found here.

With that, I try to find a way to deal with this sudden stressful deluge while still working on completing my final two weeks of school.


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