May's theme:"We're old enough by now to take care of each other"
A Separate Lid Behind Closed Eyes

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Jason recommends the album, Wreck Of The Day by Anna Nalick

Welcome back?? - April 04, 2012
- - August 20, 2009
Dog Bites Man (Once Bitten, Twice Shy) - December 31, 2006
Randomness - July 20, 2005
Portland and Seattle - June 30, 2005

May 25, 2002 // 2:59 p.m. // Quotes: Amelia

Because I think my sister can be one of the funniest people I know. I love when we have conversations. Yesterday, she only had a half day of school because of a snow day. In fact, the whole family was home by 1:15ish, or at least three hours earlier than normal.

Note: After composing this, I realize it's probably just funny to my sister and I. And note: I can't seem to figure out why all of it is in italics, not just some of it.

So yeah. My sister Amelia. I hate her because she asks ridiculous questions, can be high maintenance and the most important reason of all, she gets compliments like crazy because she's one of the beautiful people.

"That's crazy."
(of a local house fire) "That house that was glowing orange."
"It was on fire, Mia."
"I know. But that just doesn't happen. It was glowing orange. I'm not that stupid, Jason."
"I don't know..."

(listening to an Eminem CD three songs into it while on the computer. They give me "the look")

" might want to turn the volume down. We (my mom and she) can hear every word that's said."

I guess I should turn off the speaker before I plug in the headphones.

"J, what's incarcerated mean?"
"In jail, why?"
"Oh. Because uncle Carl is incarcerated."

(Of a guest on a talk show) "He's in a gang and he's wearing Old Navy. He's about as thuggish as Lil' Bow Wow."

"Mom, did you know mono is not just a kissing disease? Yeah. You can get mono from anything!"

(of a scantly clad, and unattractive girl) "How come she can get someone to sleep with her, and I can't?"
"J. Eww."
"What? Maybe I should dress like her."

(watching a show on Lyme Disease) "Eww. It goes in your skin?" It should also be noted, she "eww"ed about three dozen times during this Discovery Channel show.

"Who wants to go cow tipping?"

(after wearing a skirt to bed) "I woke up, and the skirt was turned around. It was backwards!"

Yeah, she can be pretty funny. At least entertaining. As much as I dislike some of what she does, she makes me laugh, so despite what I say sometimes, I wouldn't trade her for another.

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