May's theme:"We're old enough by now to take care of each other"
A Separate Lid Behind Closed Eyes

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Jason recommends the album, Wreck Of The Day by Anna Nalick

Welcome back?? - April 04, 2012
- - August 20, 2009
Dog Bites Man (Once Bitten, Twice Shy) - December 31, 2006
Randomness - July 20, 2005
Portland and Seattle - June 30, 2005

March 20, 2002 // 7:26 p.m. // More of why we can't have nice things

So...It's the first day of spring. Our weather is fine now. Hopefully it starts to even out. I'd show you pictures from the huge snowfall on Sunday, but my dad deleted the pictures from the memory stick on the digital camera. Yep. Deleted them. He waited a long time after I asked him to bring it home and he deleted them. I had two pictures of a yard stick stuck in the snow measuring 10 and 15 inches of fluffy powder in the front yard before the snow hardened and later melted it.

Do you know what's so ironic about this? When I took these pictures, there was room for only two pictures on the camera. I resisted the urge to delete some of the photos that were already on there. Then he goes and deletes mine. He even labeled the wrong tape as being my Olympic tape and almost recorded over the correct one in the process.


His excuse was the same excuse he always uses. He couldn't see very well. He had no problem reading about the cars we were looking at last night even when sitting approx. four feet from the computer. He's got glasses, but he seems to never wear them.

So the next time I drop something, I'm going to use the excuse that the house is a mess and that I tripped over a pile of papers that he forgot to clean up.

Like I've said, he's thrown away important court papers, ignored parking violations (we'll tell him he has one, then he'll get mad when the ticket lapses and the fine triples) and quite possibly my $50 rebate and his own check. He, unlike my mom and I, will throw piles of stuff away without looking at it first.

He seems to be under the assumption that the camera is his and only his, but my mom bought it, he still thinks I lost the last one.

Yeah, the camera is only yours to use mainly for work. He even says himself that he hasn't filmed a thing since we got it almost three months ago.

Grrr. A walking contradiction he is. And my mom wonders why I threw the half-empty McDonalds cup. In my defense, it was into the garbage.

Speaking of deleting, I just deleted my own addendum to this entry. I'll try it again.

On a side note, I don't like that they shook up the Survivor cast because a team kept losing. I'd rather see one team dwindle to nothing. Just because one team loses three events in a row, then eliminates they're best member doesn't mean you shake things up.

Another side note. When did "cocky" or "asshole" start to come before college education in applying for a reality show? First Jeff Probst, then the Temptation Island guy, the Fear Factor guy, and even Roger Lodge of Blind Date grew a spine.

God, after deleting my pics, he just asked me how much snow I measured.

Okay, I'm done. I promise.


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