May's theme:"We're old enough by now to take care of each other"
A Separate Lid Behind Closed Eyes

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Jason recommends the album, Wreck Of The Day by Anna Nalick

Welcome back?? - April 04, 2012
- - August 20, 2009
Dog Bites Man (Once Bitten, Twice Shy) - December 31, 2006
Randomness - July 20, 2005
Portland and Seattle - June 30, 2005

March 22, 2002 // 6:29 p.m. // Neighbors

I didn't even realize that I didn't compose an entry yesterday. Hmm...

The neighbors kids are outside with the kids next door to them riding scooters, bicycles and walking up and down our driveway that we share with our neighbors on the left and the sidewalk in front of four houses.

The kids are really weird. I should say their parents are. The whole family is living with their mother in law, and have been since the summer of 2000.

Neither family approves of my parents or their marriage. Maybe they don't trust them or something, but I remember when they would visit from Nevada, I'd play with their daughter Branda in their front yard.

We couldn't play in our front yard. It was too far away. We're right next door! They wouldn't even let Branda go in our house, so whenever we'd play, we'd have to stay in their unfenced yard. We couldn't go down the street past the Wharff's, (the neighbor to our left) meaning we had a three house range of mobility. I haven't talked to her since 1997, but she has a birthday coming up that makes me think of her.

So now that it's warm, the kids will be outside everyday from today until late October, or until they move, which will hopefully come first. I'm reminded of a cross between Rod and Todd Flanders and Tad and Tricia Gupty (from Daria) when I see them.

Ummm...I guess it's never to late for a recap. Last Friday I don't remember what we did, but I know it involved listening to a lot of Mary J. Blige, R. Kelly, and Aaliyah because G was driving.

Oh yes, I just remembered. We drove up and down State Street looking for car races and attractive girls. It's an activity usually reserved for when we hang out with Jesse, Chad, Brian, etc.

I'm putting up a cast list. Yes. That's final.


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