May's theme:"We're old enough by now to take care of each other"
A Separate Lid Behind Closed Eyes

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Jason recommends the album, Wreck Of The Day by Anna Nalick

Welcome back?? - April 04, 2012
- - August 20, 2009
Dog Bites Man (Once Bitten, Twice Shy) - December 31, 2006
Randomness - July 20, 2005
Portland and Seattle - June 30, 2005

March 25, 2002 // 9:14 p.m. // Conversation

This was a conversation at my house at about 4 this afternoon.

Dad: " the four guys were just standing around watching me move the heavy desk."

Jason: "That reminds me of Amelia asking me to pick her up from the Bank One today after she took the bus from Wal-Mart because she didn't want to carry her bags all the way home."

Amelia: "They were heavy."

J: "You only had one bag.

A: "Nuh uh. I had a Shopko and a Wal-Mart bag. I had a picture frame, a poster board..."

J: "So! you should have seen what I had to carry into the house today. I had my backpack, my CD player case-"

D: "Hey you two. That's enough. People do such nice things for you...(trails off)"

But that's just the thing. My sister is spoiled. My dad always takes her to McDonald's after school, takes her side, does her paper route for her while she sits and watches TV with him ten feet away folding her papers, and takes her side before I can make my point.

My point being?

She calls me from the bus asking me to pick her up from the Bank One that is only 1 1/2 blocks from our house. It's maybe a three-four minute walk. Her reason: her bag was too heavy, but it was about the same size as if you folded three pair of pants, placed them in a plastic bag and tied the top. In other words, average size for a shopping bag. Plus, she had a sheet of poster board. And for this, I had to drive less than two blocks to pick her up. From the time I hang up, grab my keys, walk outside and unlock my door, the length of the trip has already elapsed.

Here's what I had to bring inside the house today after school: A 33.5 pound backpack, a 256 CD holder, my stereo faceplate, a video camera, my keys, two CD's, a journal, my cell phone, my wallet and a newspaper. The final few items don't sound like a big deal, but when they're just sitting on the seat, you have to stuff them into pockets, around your neck and into your hands and whatnot. And there was no one to help me. And I did it all in one trip.

So take that Amelia.

Oh yeah. Check this out.

*Take The Gap Toothed Celebrity Test!*

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