May's theme:"We're old enough by now to take care of each other"
A Separate Lid Behind Closed Eyes

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Jason recommends the album, Wreck Of The Day by Anna Nalick

Welcome back?? - April 04, 2012
- - August 20, 2009
Dog Bites Man (Once Bitten, Twice Shy) - December 31, 2006
Randomness - July 20, 2005
Portland and Seattle - June 30, 2005

March 24, 2002 // 11:25 p.m. // Utah!

Because I'm a statistics whore, I offer you an entry full of useless (most of it about Utah) information courtesy of The World Almanac 2002. If you're ever on Millionaire, you know where to send some of the cut.

Utah's record low: -69. Record high: 117, both in 1985, five months apart from each other.

The avg. normal temps for January: 36 for a high, 19 for a low. The summer: 92 high and 64 low, w/ 16 inches of precipitation (I swear we get more than that) annually. Compare this with Houston where they get three times as much precipitation, but have the same average high in the summer, and the same record high. The only thing is they have 61 degree highs and 40 degree lows in the winter. And the city is like huge. 2 million or so people.

Oh, and a note. As much as I dislike the snow (especially driving in it) I think I'd miss it if I went years without seeing it. Even last Sunday's "blizzard" that dropped 10 inches in the yard. I'm not a big fan of the 100+ degree summer days 15 degree lows in the winter.

SLC's elevation: 4,227 feet. Having lived here my whole life and been used to it, I've never understood why people have trouble breathing when exercising while here.

Tallest buildings: 422 and 420 feet.

Utah only has three cities with more than 100,000 people. Ten years ago there was only one. Salt Lake is the largest with 181,743.

Utah's the 13th largest state, but is 34th in population.

Our state flower: the Sego lily. The tree: the Blue spruce. The bird: The Seagull. This was hammered into every kid's head by the fourth or fifth grade when studying Utah history.

Utah celebrates Pioneer Day, commonly referred to as the "Days of '47" every July 24th to celebrate Brigham Young and the LDS church's entering the valley. Basically, it's a second fourth of July with fireworks stands closing, then opening two weeks later. One more parade, more fireworks and no mail delivery, public transportation, liquor stores and many stores are closed. Fun!

You can float (but wouldn't want to) in the Great Salt Lake. You can also walk hundreds of feet into the water with the water only coming up to mid-chest.

Utah's southeast corner touches Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico, and is the only state that you can stand in four states at once.

To my knowledge, we're one of the few who serve fry sauce. Fry sauce is a tasty little concoction that's ingredients escape me (but it's like mayo and something) but is much better than dipping in ketchup.

Also, if you're asking someone to a high school dance, don't walk up and just ask them. Instead, you come up with a creative way to ask them like this.

I've seen them all, and to be fair, it is pretty fun, and better than just receiving an answer.

Finally, yes it's true. Utahn's eat a lot of Jell-O, but not all of us like it! Especially green! Just imagine having Jell-O squares served on the side everyday in your school lunch from kindergarten to eighth grade, and even into high school. Imagine every pot luck, picnic, reunion, PTA meeting, barbeque or other social gatherings serving the jiggly dessert. Then you'll see why I'm not proud of our distinction of being the Jell-O state.

Okay, that should do it. I don't know why I'm having so much state pride right now, but I am. If you have further questions about any of this, email me, and I'll do my best to explain.


P.S. I've been waiting here since 9 for Diaryland to work so I can send my entry. It�s 11:08 and I�ve given up.

P.P.S. It�s 11:24 and it�s working!

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