May's theme:"We're old enough by now to take care of each other"
A Separate Lid Behind Closed Eyes

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Jason recommends the album, Wreck Of The Day by Anna Nalick

Welcome back?? - April 04, 2012
- - August 20, 2009
Dog Bites Man (Once Bitten, Twice Shy) - December 31, 2006
Randomness - July 20, 2005
Portland and Seattle - June 30, 2005

April 11, 2002 // 9:50 p.m. // Neighbors

D-land's been down all day, no? Then how do a few people I know have entries from the middle of this afternoon? I've been trying to connect all day, but knowing me, it's likely my internet connection.

One of our long time neighbors (Ashley) came over to go to a party store with my sister since Ashley has spirit week at her school next week.

I can't recall if Ashley's an eighth grader or a ninth grader, but she looks much older than the last time I really saw and talked to her, which had to be a year ago. It must've been. She hadn't seen "the hair."

And that's the thing. Everyone loves it, but the people who I need the compliment from the most, the people I know and haven't seen for a while, are too surprised to give an "I like it." It's more like a, "woah, that's different."

But my sister was at McDonalds, so I had to entertain Ashley until she arrived home. We had a mini conversation that went like this,

Ashley: So, how old are you?

J: 20.

A: Damn. You're the same age as Lyndsy (her sister).

J: Yeah.

A: What are you doing?

J: Just going to school.

I left for a few seconds to ask my mom if my sister was almost home, and she told me yes. I came back, and Ashley was on the couch watching Survivor. I noticed how much she looks like Lyndsy and to a lesser extent, her older sister Brandy. I guess for the rest of you, the best known person to compare who three of the four girls in the family look like is Jewel. Blond hair, slightly chubby face. A very Swedish look.

At this time, my sister came home, and they headed off to the party store.

At this time, I was getting along with my sister, a feeling I did not have this morning after an incident where I set some newspapers on her backpack. She got upset, yelled, I apologized, she yelled again, and my mom told the two of us to stop fighting.

The two of us. I comply and the two of us must stop fighting. When I start it, it's, "Jason, stop that!" When she's the instigator the two of us must stop. She rarely gets the blame put upon her. It's the little things that bother me. Like my dad buying her McDonalds burgers everyday when it's the two of them, but when it's the three or four of us, we don't even go to eat.

I'm so low maintenance. I love being that way. Just give me a down to earth girl, a fast food joint and a dollar movie and I'm set. No forty dollar dinners like homecoming. No sir. Let's just hit the local Wendy's and chat. (I'm so lucky that the girls in the neighborhood would go for that.)


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