May's theme:"We're old enough by now to take care of each other"
A Separate Lid Behind Closed Eyes

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Jason recommends the album, Wreck Of The Day by Anna Nalick

Welcome back?? - April 04, 2012
- - August 20, 2009
Dog Bites Man (Once Bitten, Twice Shy) - December 31, 2006
Randomness - July 20, 2005
Portland and Seattle - June 30, 2005

May 17, 2002 // 8:15 a.m. // Cold days and Fridays...

To yesterday's Britney Spears entry: I think this song applies more to the situation at hand than the song posted.

So I wake up this morning, and my car doesn't start. My dad has to come back home, and to make a long story short, after working on it for twenty minutes, comes to the "Oh, it's out of gas" realization. I guess I should have filled it up with more than a gallon after doing all of that running around yesterday.

But he always gets cranky when he has to pick me up from somewhere because I'm having car problems. Yeah, like it's my fault the car doesn't start one morning. But I have to put a smile on my face when he runs out of gas or needs me to make my way through the maze of cars, kids and traffic to pick my sister up from school, who only makes things worse by leaving her science book in the car, having me pick her up in the busiest part of the school, and making me wait.

Yeah. And I can't complain. At all. And he can complain about it all he wants.

Okay, so tomorrow I'll go back to being myself. Maybe.

Now with that little item out of the way, I find I am doing none of the things I said I would do when summer came around.

And I also find myself with only a minimal amount of internet drama. Maybe the stars are in alignment or something. Full moon or Friday the 13th coming up soon? (checks) All signs point to no.

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